Several manufacturing businesses that often need to handle products that are unique, large, or delicate, can benefit from using customized versions of the conveyor belts. A customized conveyor belt can be the perfect solution for almost any manufacturing job, company, or organization. Whether in the food production industry, electronics assembly, bottling, or another type of industry, there are several reasons why a customized conveyor belt can help an individual meet their needs.
Below are some factors that may help a manufacturer decide if their job requires a customized conveyor belt and some of the most important things to know if they are considering a customized conveyor belt as an option for their business in California.
A standard conveyor belt can only handle a certain amount of weight before it becomes a safety hazard. For example, a conveyor belt designed for 20 pounds per foot may experience damage if too much weight is placed on the belt at once. This is one of the limitations of a standard conveyor belt which can present a challenge if an end user needs to move a lot of weight at once, such as in a bottling or packing operation.
Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons to choose a customized conveyor belt over a standard belt is when the products are irregularly shaped. This could apply to products like produce, food, or any other type of item that does not easily fit on a standard belt and that cannot be handled manually. While anyone can technically place irregularly shaped items on a standard conveyor belt, it may be recommended to add guides or cleats to the belt to assist. A custom belt can be designed to fit their specific needs, making it a safer and more effective option for irregularly shaped products.
Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons to choose a customized conveyor belt over a standard belt is when the products are irregularly shaped. This could apply to products like produce, food, or any other type of item that does not easily fit on a standard belt and that cannot be handled manually. While anyone can technically place irregularly shaped items on a standard conveyor belt, it may not be a safe or efficient solution for their business. A custom belt can be designed to fit their specific needs, making it a safer and more effective option for irregularly shaped products.
Another situation where a standard belt might be a poor choice is if the products are wet or dusty. In many industries, products come out of the production process wet, allowing the conveyor belt to absorb the liquid. This can cause damage to standard conveyor belts, requiring the manufacturer to replace them more often. A customized conveyor belt can be designed to resist water and other liquids, helping to extend the life of the belt and keeping the costs down.
If the products are very hot, for example, in a factory that produces steel, the metal is pushed through a conveyor belt to help cool it down. The heat coming off of a product can damage a standard conveyor belt, forcing the manufacturer to replace it sooner than desired. A custom belt can be designed to withstand high temperatures, lowering the cost of operating the conveyor belt and allowing the owner to keep it in service longer.
Conveyor belt systems designed for standard use may not be designed to last as long as the owner may need them to. If they want a conveyor belt that will have a long lifespan and be used daily, they should look into a belt specified for their exact application. A standard belt will need to be replaced more often than a belt that is specified for the application, costing them more money over time used in conveyor belt repair.
A custom belt is made specifically for their needs, so it will likely last much longer than a standard belt. Conveyor belts are often used in the food industry and other industries that use heavy machinery. If their conveyor belt is used for these applications, it needs to be strong enough to withstand the heavy weight and vibrations that come along with them.
If the conveyor belt needs to be visible to workers or customers, a standard belt may not do the trick. The belt itself may be fine, but the way it is placed may make it difficult to see. Standard belts may also be too close together, causing issues with the people working around them. A custom conveyor belt can be designed to be the right width and placed at the right height, enabling the manufacturer to see all of their equipment as needed.
Custom conveyor belt solutions are also adjustable so users can change the speed at which they want them to move, depending on the type of material they are carrying. The flexibility of these systems enables them to change their direction as needed, or even integrate them into existing material handling equipment. Custom belts are also designed to fit a wide range of applications, including bulk solids, liquids, and other specialized products.
If a manufacturer is looking to integrate robotics and automation into their process, a standard conveyor belt may not be designed to work with their specific equipment. They may find that they need to custom-build the conveyor belt system, hence it is important to consider this factor from the beginning. A custom conveyor belts system can be made to work with their automation equipment and other factors specific to their business.
A custom conveyor belt system can be a great solution for almost any manufacturing job. If the manufacturer has irregularly shaped products, is moving a lot of weight, needs a belt to last a long time, or wants to integrate robotics and automation into their process, a custom conveyor belt can be the perfect choice for the job.
If you have additional questions about specified application conveyor belts, feel free to reach out to We are an industrial rubber company based in California that specializes in the distribution of industrial rubber and plastic products into the agricultural, industrial, commercial, and mining markets.